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Introducing Peer Review for Project Feedback and Revisions

Peer review allows students to get feedback on their project work that they can then use to make revisions. Student engagement increases when students receive positive feedback on projects so adding time for peer review is one key factor of to running a successful coding program. 

Introducing Peer Review - GoalS

  • Students will be able to perform a qualitative review of peer projects and use a sample protocol to evaluate and deliver feedback.   

  • Students will be able to revise projects and incorporate qualitative feedback as appropriate.

Introduction of Peer Review Process

  • Teacher displays a project from previous lesson and posts prompt: Is this a “good” project? Why or why not?
  • Teacher facilitates discussion of answers. Points to discuss:
    • Usability: Is it clear how to use/play this program?

    • Clarity: Is it clear from comments/code what the programmer wants this program to do?

    • Technical Execution: Does this project incorporate learned elements from the previous lesson?

Guided Instruction - Getting started with Peer Review: 15 mins

  • Teacher models use of I like, I wish, I wonder protocol to deliver feedback and suggestions.

  • Teacher models finding the class page and opening student projects.

  • Teacher pairs students (or allows class to self-select a partner)

Independent Work Time : 20 mins

Students play-test and write feedback (10 minutes)

  • Students select project for review. Identify project goals/main components.

  • Student play-test each other’s projects

  • Student uses feedback sheet to share suggestions for project improvement.

Students return to their own project work (10 minutes)

  • Students revise projects

Closing : 5 mins

  • Students use reflection space in project evaluation window to explain how their project was improved.