First Day Logistics
Below are some resources to help your first day with students run smoothly. If you have any questions do you hesitate to contact us!
Class Set-up:
Create your classes and post class key(s)
Turning lessons on/off - Turn lessons off to control the content that students have access to
First Day Resources:
Clear your lesson progress so that you can begin your presentation.
Building Your First Program - Present this slide deck with embedded video to introduce the platform to your students.
Slides for Student Signup with Google - Present this on board to walk students through sign-up with Google. If you don’t use Google, see next step to sign in with a class key.
Slides for Student login with Class Key - Present this on the board to walk students through logging in with the class key.
Start with the first lesson and go through the first 4 activities together as a class to get your students comfortable with the editor. They will then continue the activities at their own pace.
Share with students that they will do:
A series of skill building activities to build a project.
Pay close attention to the directions and to only do what is asked to prevent any bugs.
Activities are auto-graded and look for the green "check +" to advance to the next activity.
At the end of the lesson, they will then get a chance to be creative and apply what they have learned to a build their own project.
Explain that they will get a chance to make an eCard and all projects will be displayed on the Class Page for inspiration.
Provide them with our Support Best Practices - try reset, ask a classmate, ask you, and then use the support tab