LTI Setup with Canvas — Codesters Support

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LTI Setup with Canvas

IMPORTANT: If you have already set up your classes and students with another platform, we do not suggest using an LTI platform until the next school year. Student progress may be lost if student account information does not remain the same.

Follow these steps to set up integration of Codesters with the Canvas LTI platform and access Codesters content within Canvas.

  1. Email Codesters Support ( to notify us that you intend to use Canvas with Codesters. We will email you a Consumer Key and Consumer Secret to use in the next step.

  2. Follow the steps in this document to add Codesters to your course and authenticate your Codesters licenses within Canvas (requires the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret).

  3. Select a Canvas Course that has Codesters and click the Codesters app to access the dasboard.

  4. After accessing Codesters from Canvas, click ASSIGN COURSE for each class in the Classes page of the Codesters dashboard and select your desired curriculum. See here for more detailed steps.

  5. Explore other useful Canvas documentation:


  1. Before students can do any coding lessons, the teacher must assign classes in Codesters to a course and curriculum by clicking the ASSIGN COURSE button. The teacher will see this after launching Codesters for the first time from Canvas.

  2. If a teacher has existing students and classes, he or she will see duplicate classes generated by Canvas. The teacher should archive the classes originally created in Codesters so that students only see one class in their dashboard.

  3. If student progress is not carried over to a new Canvas class, it is likely that the student email in Canvas does not match the email that the teacher used to create the student in Codesters. The teacher should report this issue immediately and revert to using the Codesters login until we can match the accounts.